Welcome to Colonies House Swimming Pool!


Summer 2024 Hours

FOB Access (no guards)
Monday: CLOSED

Sun. + Tues-Thurs.: 7AM-9PM

Fri.-Sat.: 7AM- 10PM

Guard Swim Hours

Fri-Sat: 2PM-10PM
Sun: 2PM-9PM


·       No guests during non-lifeguard fob hours.

·       Children 13 years old and younger must be accompanied by an adult (18 years or older). Children 14 to 17 may swim without adult supervision during pool hours.

·       No person, regardless of age, may swim alone or unsupervised.

·       ADULT SWIM occurs during the last 10 minutes of each hour. No children are allowed in the pool during lifeguard break, regardless of adult supervision.

·       A parent or guardian must always supervise children in the baby pool.

·       Baby pool is for children 5 years old and under.

·       When the lifeguard is on duty, they are the sole authority. Do not distract them.

  • Diving anywhere in the pool, other than the sectioned deep end, is strictly prohibited.

·       Climbing, diving, or flipping off of the lifeguard stands is prohibited.

  • Appropriate swim attire is required.

·       Swim diapers must be worn at all times by children who are not potty trained.

·       Do not sit, play with, or hang on the lane lines.

  • No prolonged underwater swimming or breath holding.

·       No running, pushing, dangerous horseplay,
or rowdy behavior.

·       No loud music or profane language.

  • Immediately inform lifeguards of any accident or debris in the water or on the pool deck.

·       Key Fob Gate will be kept closed/locked after entering or exiting.

·       Colonies House is not responsible for any theft, loss, or damage to personal property in the pool area.

·       In the event of an accident, report it immediately.


·       Members and their guests must check in.

·       Guest fee: $7, regardless of swimming status.

·       Each membership (not individual) is limited to 5 guests at any one time. If party exceeds
this number, members are to schedule a pool party (see below).


·       No animals, smoking, vaping, or weapons
of any kind allowed on the property.

·       No glass containers in the Pool Area.

  • Do not consume food and/or beverages
    in the pool.

  • Clean up after yourself. All litter, paper, or debris must be placed in trash containers.

  • Members are responsible for any property damage they or their guests cause, and upon demand shall pay for any and all damages to Colonies House.

Violations of Rules will result in verbal warnings, being asked to leave for the day, documented written warnings, suspension of pool access, or revoked pool access, with no return or refund of membership dues. Any misuse or misconduct may result in suspension of pool privileges or revoked membership privileges, at the sole discretion of the Colonies House Board of Directors, with no return or refund of membership dues.


Pool guest policy

• Members and their guests must check in.

• Guest fee: $7, regardless of swimming status.

• Each membership (not individual) is limited to 5 guests at any one time. If party exceeds this number, members are to schedule a pool party (see below).


Pool Parties

Members can schedule pool parties during pool hours, with up to 25 guests, for a $50 reservation fee to secure the date, lifeguard(s), and desired table.

• Contact (210) 695-0321 or info@colonieshouse.com for more information and available dates.